A recent story in the news about a young 18 year-old Syrian women who was taken then tortured and dismembered by her own government brought world attention to the problems there. But what should be done? Today a European-backed U.N. Security Council resolution wanted to impose sanctions if the Syrian government did stop the military attacks on their own citizens. But as two of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, Russia and China vetoed it. So to date there are no sanctions, because no action can taken without the approval of all five permanent members. So the world is basically just sitting and watching in horror.
In the US, we consider it a duty to go to the aid of another. If a neighbor is literally beating their child, it is the duty of the adult who see it to report it. If a robbery is taking place, we believe it is the duty of passerby's to stop and help and victim. Helping innocent victims is part of what we try to instill in our population.
But countries are sovereign. When is it right to stay out of their affairs and when is it wrong to just stand by watching atrocities? Given how little hope there is for the international community to unite against the Syrian government due to the structure of the U.N. Security Council, is unilateral action the best and most ethical course?